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Gsdx 0.1.10 WORK

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Gsdx 0.1.10 WORK

What is Gsdx 0.1.10 and how to use it

Gsdx 0.1.10 is a graphics plugin for PCSX2, a PlayStation 2 emulator for PC. It was developed by Dajuan Craft and released on SoundCloud in 2019. It is based on the original Gsdx plugin by Gabest, which is the most well-known and widely used graphics plugin for PCSX2.

Gsdx 0.1.10 allows you to use both Direct3D10/11 and OpenGL APIs, and switch between hardware and software rendering modes. It also supports various enhancements, such as anti-aliasing, texture filtering, custom resolutions, and shader effects.

To use Gsdx 0.1.10, you need to download it from SoundCloud and extract it to your PCSX2 plugins folder. Then, you need to select it as your graphics plugin in the PCSX2 configuration menu. You can also adjust its settings according to your preferences and system specifications.

Gsdx 0.1.10 is a fan-made modification of Gsdx, and it is not officially supported by the PCSX2 team. Use it at your own risk and discretion.

In this article, we will explore some of the features of Gsdx 0.1.10 and how to configure them for optimal performance and quality.

Accurate Blend

This option controls the accuracy of blending operations, which are used to create various effects such as transparency, shadows, fog, etc. There are two levels of accuracy:

Ticked: normal accurate blending. This is the recommended setting for most games, as it improves the visual quality without a significant performance impact.

Filled: extra accuracy in blending. This is only needed for some games that use complex blending effects, such as Persona 4 or Metal Gear Solid 3. However, this setting can cause a huge performance drop, so use it with caution.

Accurate Colour Clipping

This option enables accurate colour clipping, which is used for depth of field effects and some shadows. For example, this option fixes the blurry vision in God of War and the missing shadows in Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. However, this option can also cause some slowdowns and graphical glitches in some games, so you may need to disable it depending on the game.

Accurate Date

This option enables destination alpha testing, which is used for some effects such as shadows, reflections, etc. For example, this option fixes the missing shadows in Kingdom Hearts and the broken reflections in Gran Turismo 4. However, this option can also cause some slowdowns and graphical glitches in some games, so you may need to disable it depending on the game.

OGL HW Depth

This option enables depth support in OpenGL hardware mode, which is used for further depth effects. For example, this option fixes the broken water in Jak and Daxter and the missing fog in Silent Hill 2. However, this option can also cause some slowdowns and graphical glitches in some games, so you may need to disable it depending on the game.

HW Hacks

This option allows you to access some advanced hacks that can improve the compatibility and performance of some games. However, these hacks can also cause some side effects and glitches, so use them with caution and only when needed. The most important hack is the CRC level:

None: no CRC hacks applied. This is the recommended setting for testing Gsdx 0.1.10 features, as it allows you to see the true rendering without any modifications.

Minimum: only essential CRC hacks applied. This is a good compromise between compatibility and accuracy, as it fixes some major issues without affecting too much the visual quality.

Full: all CRC hacks applied. This is the most compatible but also the most inaccurate setting, as it skips or alters many effects to improve performance or avoid glitches.

You can also adjust other hacks such as skipdraw, half-pixel offset, align sprite, etc., but these are game-specific and require trial and error to find the best settings. a474f39169


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