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Benjamin Krishnamoorthy
Benjamin Krishnamoorthy

Cabelas Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures


Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures is a 2004 hunting video game published by Activision Value for Microsoft Windows, Xbox, GameCube, PlayStation 2, and Game Boy Advance. It is also a backwards-compatible title for the Xbox 360. It is the first story-driven hunting adventure game.[6]

Another in the Big Game Hunting series, 2005 Adventures brings you 36 big game animals in 10 locations. Choose from many guns, bows, equipment, and clothing before heading out to take on these animals.

Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventure is a 2004 hunting video game published by Activision Value. In the Career mode, players progress through six geographical regions, each with several sub-levels. Each sublevel has a specific animal to hunt, though some animals are hunted multiple times on separate occasions, and occasionally the player will encounter other objectives within a level. Money is earned along the way, which can be spent on more-advanced firearms and other equipment. A few opportunities will arise for the player to win a gun by completing certain tasks. Some animals include: White-tail deer, Timberwolves, Peccary, etc.

var rm_host = "//";var rm_section_id = 54062;var rm_iframe_tags = 1;rmShowAd("300x250"); XBOX REVIEW: CABELA'S BIG GAME HUNTER 2005 ADVENTURE I can only hope that playing Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures will satisfy your urge to kill animals in real life. Videogames are meant for vicarious thrills. This shouldn't inspire you to go out and shoot animals anymore than Manhunt would inspire you to go out and shoot humans. Yes, hunting animals is legal, but so is smoking and that's a pretty stupid activity as well.

There are different methods that you can employ to locate your prey. You can try to locate tracks and follow them or you can use calls, bait or decoys - in other words, set traps. You can set the difficulty on easy and just follow the dots on the map. Secondary objectives will come up on occasion when you run into other hunters that give you a few pointers. It's a good diversion that keeps the game from feeling too linear. 781b155fdc


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