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Andrew Murphy
Andrew Murphy

Reaper 2 New.txt Extra Quality

Make sure that you understand how GetMediaItemInfo_Value works. Look at the documentation and experiment with it a little bit. You can see the values of variables on the right-hand side of the editor while the code is running, or you can use reaper.ShowConsoleMsg() to see the values of things.

reaper 2 new.txt


When we use this, we will want the user to be able to undo the action. So before we do anything, we put reaper.Undo_BeginBlock() in. This tells REAPER that anything we do is going to be consolidated into a single undo stage.

This example program constructs a FileWriter stream and creates a disk file in the current directory named reaper.txt. The write() method writes characters to the file. The close() method closes the file.

Warning: each time you run the program it will delete any file named reaper.txt in the directory and create a new one. You might wish to check that the 20 page report that you wrote last night is not named reaper.txt.

The file reaper.txt is an ordinary ASCII text file, with one byte per character. Character strings inside a running Java program are two bytes per character. A Writer stream translates between the internal format and the external, disk file format.

Here is an excerpt from the example program. The FileWriter constructor creates a disk file, reaper.txt. The constructor returns a reference to the FileWriter object which is assigned to writer. Now writer can be used to write to that file.

The PS command Select-String "REAPER.*(1920)" "d:\reaper 6.x versions.txt" successfully extracts the first line of each log entry (e.g. REAPER v.6.11 - May 24, 2020) but I also need the second line from each entry.

In order to decipher the script, it's important to grasp that WALTER's world revolves around things called Coordinate Lists, which are little lists of numbers (or Scalar Values, in the jargon) that can be fed to User Interface (UI) Elements such as buttons, faders and meters to define their position, size and other attributes. Both Coordinate Lists and UI Element tags are pretty easy to spot in the code: the former are in square brackets, with spaces separating the individual Scalar Values; the latter are single 'words' with at least one embedded full-stop character. The look-up table at explains what graphical component each UI Element tag controls. Coordinate Lists can also be stored in user-defined variables, each again identified by a single WALTER 'word', usually containing at least one embedded underscore character.

If you see any code with curly brackets (such as 'tcp.fxw', say), this is referring to a single Scalar Value from the Coordinate List of a variable or UI Element. The letter in the brackets indicates the Scalar Value's position in the Coordinate List, with 'x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'ls', 'ts', 'rs' and 'bs' representing each of the eight entries in turn. There are also some pre-defined Scalar Values that aren't part of any Coordinate List, the most frequently encountered being 'h' and 'w', the height and width (in pixels) of the track as a whole, and 'recarm', which has a non-zero value only for tracks that are armed for recording. (The functions of other pre-defined Scalar Values are detailed at

Based on Olie's idea and some of is code I implemented the same thing as one single HTML/JavaScript file. This is online available at _siegen/ReaperReader/. You can also download it here: Simply download, unzip, and load this in your browser.

This option allows you to control the frequency in seconds of check result "reaper" events. "Reaper" events process the results from host and service checks that have finished executing. These events consitute the core of the monitoring logic in Nagios.

This option allows you to control the maximum amount of time in seconds that host and service check result "reaper" events are allowed to run. "Reaper" events process the results from host and service checks that have finished executing. If there are a lot of results to process, reaper events may take a long time to finish, which might delay timely execution of new host and service checks. This variable allows you to limit the amount of time that an individual reaper event will run before it hands control back over to Nagios for other portions of the monitoring logic. 041b061a72


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